
First of all, I'd like to wish happy new year! and I hope that everyone is already having a brilliant start this new year!

I'm going to be starting my 2017 by writing in this journal, One Line A Day; A Five Year Memory Book. I came across this journal at a bookshop a while ago, and I really liked the concept. I didn't know if I would be able to commit to writing a diary every day, so I bought one and gave my friend as a gift. After seeing them again around the internet, I thought I'd give it a try and bought one for myself.

Basically, it's a 5-year diary, where you write what happens each and every single day. I don't think it would require a lot of time or commitment (especially for someone who have never written a diary before), because there are only a few lines for you to write on for each day (well it does say 'one line a day' anyway). The idea was that you can look back at the memory on the date of previous years up to 5 years, so you'd know what happen/what you did on that exact day. I think it'd be fun and a cool way to reminisce and create memories in!

Note: If anyone's interested, this diary is sold in various places (, Waterstones, Wordery). 

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