
I am writing this blog to remind myself of all the hardwork that I had done in order to get to where I am today. Doing a PhD is no easy job. It definitely takes a lot of your time, energy, money, drains you mentally. emotionally and physically and requires a lot of patience and perseverance.

Due to delivering Baby Maryam, I took 2 months off for postpartum recovery, and well, to bond with bubs. However, during the earlier days with the baby, she was sleeping a lot, so I got bored and started dong my writing again about 1 month and a half post-baby. It was then all writing and writing, and consulting supervisors, and writing and doing correction and writing again. When Baby Maryam started to be more aware (and awake) and was more active during the day, that required a lot more of my time and energy, it became a little bit challenging. As she turned 5 months, I can no longer do my work during the day and had to take care of her full time, and can only do my writing up at night after she had fallen asleep (this was 10pm onwards). 

Thesis submission

After having a baby, I was struggling a little bit to write my thesis. Mainly because during the day, my time was filled taking care of my baby and after she sleeps, only then I can actually start and focus on my writing. Even then, she'd wake up every 2 hours for feeding. I would start doing my work from 10pm to usually around 2am everyday to finish the thesis. 

Eventually, after so many meetings, drafts after drafts, my supervisor was satisfied with the thesis and recommended me to submit the thesis. So I submitted my final binded thesis on 31st May 2019. Alhamdulillah.

With Kak Sarah, who had been one of my strong support systems in Sheffield, came with me to submit my thesis - bless her. 


With my little bub!

My family whom, without them, I would not have been able to complete my PhD like I did <3


It took quite some time for the department to get back to me with a date for my viva. This was because when I submitted my thesis, my external examiner was not confirmed yet. So when we found someone suitable, only then the department started to send out my thesis for them to read. So after 4 months, I finally had my PhD viva on 5th September 2019. - more on my viva experience here.

After the viva, we had a few more months remaining in the UK before going back to Malaysia for good. We used this time to make the most out of Sheffield. I was given 6 months to submit my correction and had submitted it just before going back to Malaysia. 

Graduation ceremony

After I had submitted my corrections, I was awarded my PhD (senate letter) on 27th February 2020. I was already in Malaysia by this time and the university sent out my certificate via mail. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, all graduation ceremonies were were postponed to later date. I keep receiving emails from the university regarding this, and that the situation is still not safe for travels and gatherings, let along ceremonies. So until this date, I'm still awaiting invitation for my physical PhD graduation ceremony. Hopefully, the situation with the pandemic eases out and my PhD colleagues, who are on the same boat as I, can celebrate our achievements by attending our graduation ceremonies at the University of Sheffield, InshaAllah..

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